Thursday, August 22, 2013

"With Pain Comes Strength" Tattoo

When you know the pain is coming the response is completely different. For instance, going to the doctor as a child was always a 'pain in the butt' for me literally ((ha!)) because I had to receive allergy shots. I dreaded those shots, every week for what seems like most of my childhood, I had to get poked with a needle, which is why today, I have such a difficult time with Acupuncture. The pain response in the brain is immediate when you know it's coming, like switching on a light. When the pain is random, repetitive, and unexpected, it's a totally different story... Having tattoos is something I really enjoy, I think it's because of mostly how unique they are, or maybe how unique they make me feel. Sometimes I think people need to feel really different on the outside in order to walk around being comfortable in their own skin or maybe it's easier to share our dreams, memories, likes or dislikes my playing picture pages on our bodies, at least its easier than talking about it... I noticed this phrase while recovering from my last neck surgery and it really made an impression on me, WITH PAIN COMES STRENGTH and at first I just thought about my physical pain but then realized this statement was much more powerful for the emotional hurt I have endured over the years. So, I decided to get these words tattooed somewhere where I can see it all the time. What better place to get a tattoo as a reminder than on the inside of my arm? What I was picturing was four small words on the inside of my wrist and hoping that was a possibility. On the way, to that first appointment with the tattoo artist, all that was going through my head if I got this tattoo was, maybe I wont have to explain what I have been through in my life if I have the gist of it on my arm, but then again, if these words are on my arm, will people ask me more about what it means? Anyway, we arrived at the place and found out that it was ill advised to get any tattooed words unless they were much bigger and more spread out, the reason for that was the words would eventually blur together as the skin aged. So I pondered for a moment and thought, okay so when I'm old and start to forget things it may be a blessing for those words to blur and sag a little or I will instantly be reminded of all the pain! It was a brief flash into my distant future, but then decided to get the tattoo not only much bigger, but all the way across the inside of my forearm AND in all CAPS! Weeks have passed since I received the new tattoo and there have been many 'what have I done?' moments, but I am very glad I got it and have no regrets. Ironically, I didn't experience a lot of pain while getting it, nor have I with any of my tattoos. I suppose it was because I knew it was coming, or I have just experienced a much harsher physical pain in my neck that a little tattoo was equal to a pin prick. I so wish I knew how to discover the patterns of my pain and then maybe it wouldn't be as difficult to deal with. As it is, I never know when it's coming, or maybe if I did it wouldn't be as bad...the words "over before you know it" enter my mind. Why can't all pain be like an allergy shot, tattoo, or pin prick, quick poke and done.

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